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The Cold Blue Blood: A Berger and Mitry Mystery Page 11
The Cold Blue Blood: A Berger and Mitry Mystery Read online
Page 11
“It is,” he affirmed. “I’ll see that they’re ready for you. How else may I be of assistance?”
“You can tell me who else besides his wife had it in for Niles Seymour.”
“Everyone,” Bliss replied bluntly. “Niles was not a popular fellow.”
“Any blue chip prospects?”
Bliss took off his wide-brimmed hat and examined it carefully for a long moment. “Tuck Weems,” he said, running a big brown hand over his bristly gray crew-cut. “He accused Niles of roughing Dolly up a couple of months back when he found some bruises on her arms. He, well, threatened to kill Niles. I got involved at that point. Cooled things down—at least I thought I had. She declined to file any charges against Niles. Assured me there was no need to worry, that the two of them were working things out. Dolly and Tuck, they were tight when they were kids. He grew up out here. Tuck’s not a bad fellow. Just has a slight problem with authority. And more than his share of personal demons. His father killed his mother and himself when Tuck was in ’Nam. Happened out here, in the carriage house. And it was Dolly who found them.” He glanced over at the big yellow house, his face a grim mask. “So, you see, this is not the first time there’s been a violent death out here.”
“When you say he and Mrs. Seymour were tight, do you mean they were lovers?”
“I wouldn’t hazard a guess on that,” he replied carefully.
The resident trooper was protecting his own now, Des observed. Clearly, he was very loyal to these people. How loyal?
He put his hat back on and squared his shoulders. “Tuck has a place up at Uncas Lake. I suppose you’ll be wanting to question him right away.”
“Is he likely to run?”
“No, I don’t believe so.”
“Then he’ll keep,” said Des, who liked to fully acquaint herself with the principals before she rushed to judgment. “There a new man in Mrs. Seymour’s life?”
“No man in her life, as far as I know.”
“Tell me about this tenant. What was his name, Berger?”
Bliss nodded. “He’s a New Yorker, I’m sorry to say.”
She glanced at him curiously. “Meaning what—he’s a total pain?”
“No,” Bliss said grudgingly. “He seems like a pleasant enough fellow …”
Des frowned, sensing that the resident trooper was trying to give her a small nudge in the tenant’s direction.
“I mean he’s a media person,” Bliss explained. “Writes for one of the big newspapers there.”
“Okay, I hear you now.” She had learned from the Salisbury case that people in Dorset were strongly averse to publicity. They were especially proud of the fact that the vast majority of New Yorkers could not even find Dorset on a map.
“Dolly just rented him the place two weeks ago,” he added.
“Could he figure in?”
“Figure in, Lieutenant?”
“Romantically. He and Mrs. Seymour.”
“He’s quite a bit younger than Dolly, not that that necessarily means no.” Bliss shrugged his shoulders. “Who knows what goes on between two people? I certainly don’t.”
“Was he acquainted with the victim?”
“Not to my knowledge.”
“Doubtful he has anything to do with it, then,” Des mused aloud. “Besides, why dig up the body himself? Why incriminate himself?”
The trooper nodded in solemn agreement. “And Dolly did give him explicit permission to dig there. I can’t imagine her doing so if she knew Niles was down there.”
“Agreed. Not unless she wanted him found.”
The trooper furrowed his brow at her, perplexed. “Why would she want that?”
“I don’t know. I don’t know anything. I just got here. What do we know about this woman who Seymour was supposed to have run off with?”
“Very little. Bud Havenhurst and Red Peck spotted the two of them having brunch together at the Saybrook Point Inn.”
“This was when?”
“Six weeks ago—a Sunday. They described her as young and a bit cheap-looking. The following morning he cleared out and was never seen again. Until now, that is.”
Des made a note to check on this woman at the inn. “And what do we know about Seymour’s background?”
“He showed up here three years ago from Atlantic City, where he’d been selling time-share condos,” Bliss replied with arid disapproval. “I don’t know where he was before that. Or what he was doing.”
She would have to find out. The time-share business attracted some seriously low-life characters. No telling who Seymour may have crossed swords with. Or what else he had been into. Possibly, it was his past that had followed him out here. Because there was the matter of the money—he had, supposedly, cleaned out their bank accounts before he disappeared. Where was it? Possibly, she reflected, he had owed it to someone. Possibly they had induced him to withdraw it and then had killed him so as to cover their tracks. She would have to follow the money trail. Match up the date of the withdrawals with the date he had disappeared. And the means of withdrawal could prove to be critical. Had he done it in person? If so, there would be witnesses at the bank. If not—if he had done it electronically—there would not be. In fact, the withdrawals might have been done by anyone who knew the correct PINs. His widow, for example. She had the means. Possibly a jealousy motive. But could she have acted alone? Not likely. Seymour was killed somewhere else. No way she could have moved him to the garden and buried him by herself. An accomplice, then. But who?
“Do you want me involved from here on in?” asked Bliss, cutting in on her thoughts. Ordinarily, the resident trooper yielded now to Major Crimes and resumed his regular duties.
“Damned right I do.” She had found him to be an exceedingly valuable liaison to the community. He knew the players. He was one of them. “If you don’t mind, that is.”
“I don’t mind at all.”
“Where’s Mrs. Seymour right now?”
“She’s upstairs resting. Her doctor’s been out to see her. You’ll discover that Dolly is, well, not a strong individual. I would suggest you tread lightly. Which is not to say you wouldn’t …”
“I hear you, Trooper.”
“As for the rest of them,” he said, “Bitsy Peck, Bud Havenhurst and young Evan were gathered in Dolly’s kitchen last time I looked. Red Peck is about halfway to Japan right now. Mandy Havenhurst’s in New York City and Jamie Devers is up at the Great White Whale, his antique shop. The tenant’s in the carriage house.”
“I do believe I’ll start with him,” Des said. “When Sergeant Tedone returns, why don’t you two set up shop in the kitchen? Give him any assistance he might need while he takes statements. I’ll be along soon enough.”
“Right.” He tipped his hat at her politely and went striding off toward the house.
The front door to the little carriage house was open. She tapped and when she heard a response stepped inside. It was a wonderful little house. But it wasn’t the exposed, hand-hewn beams or the huge fire crackling in the stone fireplace that caught her initial attention. It was the light—windows, windows everywhere. And nothing but unobstructed views of the Sound. Even on a raw gray day the place was drenched with the purest of natural light. What a studio this would make. Not even in her wildest dreams could Des imagine such a studio.
It was so magnificent that it took a moment for her to notice its occupant.
He was standing in front of the fire, sipping a mug of coffee and staring into the flames. He was a large-sized man, not fat but definitely soft around the edges. He wore a rumpled navy-blue wool shirt and baggy khakis. And when he turned to look at her, there was something unusual about his eyes that Des noticed immediately.
Mitch Berger had the saddest eyes Des had ever seen on any creature that was not living at the Humane Society, its wet nose and furry paws pressed to the door of its cage.
“Mr. Berger, I’m Lt. Desiree Mitry of the Major Crimes Squad, Central District. I have some quest
“Yeah, sure,” he said hoarsely, crossing the room toward her. He was taller than Des by an inch or two. And a good deal wider. “I’m sorry if I’m …” He ran a hand through his uncombed hair, clearly distraught. “I guess I’m still a little shook. It was the smell more than anything. I-I wasn’t prepared for that, you know? I mean, I’ve seen that kind of thing in a lot of movies. So I was somewhat conditioned. But the stench … I guess I understand now why Smell-o-vision never really caught on in a big way. It’s still there in my nostrils. I just can’t seem to get rid of it.”
“Have you got any oranges around?”
“I think so. Why?”
“What you do, you cut off a piece of the peel and rub it in between your fingers. Then sniff ’em. There’s an essence in the oil. Fix you right up.”
“Thanks, I’m going to try that.” He immediately started for the kitchen. “Can I cut you one, too?”
“I’m okay, thanks.”
“I guess people like you get used to it.”
“People like me never get used to it. I don’t like to see anything get dead. Not even a cockroach.”
“I guess you’ve never lived in New York.”
She let out a polite laugh while her eyes got busy flicking around the room, taking in the contents. He was a musician. There was an electric guitar and colossal stack of amps. There was a computer. Books and papers. Most everything else in the place looked like it came from a junk shop. All except for the two framed pieces of art that hung from the walls. Over the fireplace there was a framed photograph of Georgia O’Keeffe when she was an old, old woman. Her intricately lined face was as worn as an ancient streambed. It was the face of someone who had known triumph and defeat, love and loss, joy and pain. It was the face of someone who was still hanging on. A survivor’s face.
“Great portrait, isn’t it?” Mitch Berger said, returning with his orange peel. “I look at her every day and say to myself, ‘If Georgia can make it, I can make it.’” Now he rubbed the peel between his fingers and sniffed at them, rather like a large, inquisitive rabbit. “It belonged to my wife,” he added.
“You’re divorced?”
“No, she died.”
“I’m so sorry,” she said, making a mental note to check the date and circumstances of his wife’s death.
The other piece of art, which hung on the wall to the kitchen, was a computer-generated drawing comprised of horizontal lines that seemed to grow incrementally in width the farther they moved from the center. “And that one?” she asked him.
“That’s the Fibonacci Series,” he replied. “Last thing my wife designed. She was a landscape architect.” He tossed the orange peel into the fire and turned and gazed at Des with his wounded puppy eyes. “So are you a homicide detective?”
“Something like that.”
“You must encounter a lot of horrible things.”
“We are not a kindly animal, Mr. Berger. We can be especially cruel to the ones we love the most.” This particular nugget of hardedged wisdom she had learned in the bedroom, not the streets. She smiled at him now, looking around. “I am loving this house.”
“Isn’t it great? There’s a sleeping loft upstairs, if you want to take a look.”
The bed was unmade, but she paid little notice to that. What she noticed were the skylights. Even more light. She could not imagine what it would be like to live here. Sketching every morning by the dawn’s pure light. Jogging on the private beach. Compared to this, her house was like being locked inside a cave.
“Yum, I could get used to this way fast,” she commented as she descended the narrow staircase.
“So bring your sketchpad with you next time. Stay a while.”
She stiffened, narrowing her eyes at him. “You just said what?”
“You do sketch, don’t you?”
Des cocked her head at him, hands on her hips. A pose she did not like. It was strictly Aunt Esther on Sanford and Son. She crossed her arms instead and said, “Now how did you know that?”
“The charcoal under your middle fingernail. You dig your nail into the stick. My wife did that, too. Same nail.”
She glanced down at it. It was barely noticeable. This was one very observant white man. Scarily so.
“I’d like to see your work sometime,” he said with genuine interest.
“It’s just something I do for myself,” she responded guardedly.
“That’s generally the best stuff, don’t you think?”
She let his comment go by, at a loss for how he had suddenly made her feel so off balance and exposed. She did not like this feeling. She did not like it at all. She edged over nearer to the fire.
“Can I get you a sweater?” he asked, following her. “Nice warm sweater?”
“Naw, I’m fine.”
“You are not. You’re shivering. It can get really damp out here. Gets right into your bones. How about a cup of coffee?”
“I’m fine, Mr. Berger.” Now he was making her feel girlish and helpless. Something else she really did not like.
“Suit yourself. But if you catch cold, don’t blame me.”
“I never get colds,” she said sharply, seizing back control of the interview. “I understand you work for a newspaper.”
“That’s correct,” he said, flopping down in a worn armchair.
“You planning to write about the discovery of Niles Seymour’s body?”
He shook his head. “I’m not that kind of writer—I’m a film critic.”
“Is that right? I don’t believe I’ve ever met a film critic before.” She showed him her dimples, anxious to get him talking. “How does someone end up in that line of work?”
“I get asked that fairly regularly,” he replied. “I don’t know how. Or why. I only know that something very unusual happened to me the very first time I walked into a movie theater.”
“That was what, Mr. Berger?”
“I discovered that I come alive in the dark,” he said. “Not so much like a vampire but more like an exotic form of fungus. A darkened movie theater is my natural habitat. I spent my entire childhood there. Everything I know in life I found out in movie theaters. James Cagney showed me what nerve was, Cary Grant charm, Audrey Hepburn grace. Marlene Dietrich taught me how to bend the rules. Robert Mitchum taught me how to break them.” He paused now, glancing around at his little house of light. “This place here, this is not me. My being on this island is what screenwriters call Imposed Behavior.”
“Imposed Behavior?” she repeated. “What does that mean?”
He stared at her blankly. “You never heard of Imposed Behavior?”
“What I’m saying.”
“That’s when a character purposely makes himself do something that goes against his nature because, for some vital personal reason, he thinks he needs to. Like when Joel McCrea became a hobo in Sullivan’s Travels.”
“Never saw it.”
“You never saw it?” he exclaimed excitedly. “God, are you in for a treat! It’s one of the great screwball comedies of all time. And then it becomes unbelievably sad. And then it becomes unbelievably funny again. Preston Sturges directed it. That scene in the black church near the end, when they roll the cartoon, I sob uncontrollably every time.”
Des raised an eyebrow at him. “I’m standing here thinking I’ve never met anyone like you before.”
He smiled at her. “Already we have something in common—I’ve never met a woman who’s a lieutenant in the Major Crimes Squad before. I really like your locks. You probably hear that all the time.”
“All the time,” she said brusquely. He was trying to do it again—turn the conversation back on her. “Were you acquainted with Niles Seymour?”
“Never met him. Heard a lot about him, though.”
“Such as?”
“Such as he was a virtual prick. Everyone on Big Sister hated him.”
“Including Mrs. Seymour?”
“He ran off on her, didn’t he? Or at least
she thought he had.”
“Were you acquainted with Mrs. Seymour before you moved in here?”
“Yes, I was.”
Des raised her chin at him. “For how long?”
“I met her several days before—when she showed me the place.”
She stared at him stonily. Now he was jamming her. “Are you two involved?”
“I’m not involved with anyone,” he stated quietly.
“Uh-hunh. In the short time that you’ve been here, has anything struck you as curious or out of the ordinary? Anything at all?”
“Well, yeah,” he replied, leaning forward in his chair. “A couple of things.”
“Such as … ?”
Mitch Berger told her that someone had purposely locked him in the crawl space under the house. He opened the trap door for her and flashed a light down there. It was a dark, shallow earthen pit. A horrible place to be confined in.
“Maybe Seymour’s killer was trying to get me to leave,” he suggested. “Scare me off because he was scared I’d dig up the garden and find the body. I did ask Dolly if I could have a garden when I first looked at the place. There’s no telling who she …” He trailed off a moment, scratching his head. “Bud Havenhurst … Of course!”
“What about him?”
“He was dead set against me moving in here. He even told me that he’d tried to talk Dolly out of renting me the place.”
“Interesting,” she said, nodding her head. “And what about Tuck Weems? Would he have known that you intended to dig up the garden?”
“Most likely. This is the kind of place where if one person knows something everybody knows it.”
You said there were a couple of things, Mr. Berger.”
“Seymour’s prescriptions. He left them behind. I noticed them there in Dolly’s bathroom. I thought it was a little strange. If you had left town for good, wouldn’t you have taken your pills with you?”
“Which bathroom was this?”
“Top of the stairs.” After a moment’s hesitation he added, “Dolly is on some serious medication.”
“Such as?”
“Such as lithium …”
Des waited, watching him carefully now. He had more to tell her. She sensed it. She knew it. “Something else, Mr. Berger?”